March 22, 2016 Audra Holbeck

Believe in New Beginnings

Easter LillyNew life is signaled by the coming of spring. Everything in spring, from the tiny buds on the trees to the bunnies in the garden, is related to new beginnings, including the holiday of Easter. Jesus had a new beginning himself – being resurrected from his tomb – so that his believers could have new beginnings through him. Christians believe that through the forgiveness that Jesus provides, starting fresh spiritually is always possible. The secular trappings of Easter – bunnies and eggs – symbolize fertility and new life – another joyous type of new beginnings. And everyone loves Easter candy, no symbolism required!

Spring is also the season when many people get the urge to deep clean around the house. Donating still-useful things to charity and tossing the rest is a new beginning for our living space. It feels awesome! Housecleaning can also spur a deeper cleanout – taking on the less tangible things that clutter our psyches. This type of cleansing can be difficult, but is definitely worthwhile.

Parts of our life that have stagnated no longer serve a life well lived, but nonetheless become habitual, and habits can be hard to break. Forgiving ourselves keeps any guilt we have from sapping the energy we need to make a change. Then, we can do some spring cleaning – either giving the stale part of life a good scrub and makeover, or mindfully tossing it altogether and beginning anew.

No matter how harsh the (Minnesota) winter has been, nature starts fresh each year. It is expected and assumed, but miraculous at the same time. It is the perfect time of year to re-evaluate the state of your heart, your home, and your relationships. Say you’re sorry. Ask for forgiveness. Start anew. And then share your chocolate bunny!


– Audra Holbeck

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